Specialty-Specific EMR Software with Dicom Features and PACS Software Integration

We have integrated our EMR software with Dicom Picture Management Feature and Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) Software. PACS and EMR have always been separated. The new integration will allow organizations to consolidate multiple PACS into a single system, reducing overall operating costs. It will also provide an easy method for EMR systems to provide medical image viewing capabilities regardless of DICOM modality or specialty. A direct link between an EMR system and a PACS is vital, as it is the only way physicians can obtain a complete patient record. Our solution includes features requested by various imaging departments of healthcare providers to cover the full range of imaging modalities.

Enjoy the following Key Features:

  • Save time and money with the ability to place Orders directly within our EHR Software
  • Integrates DICOM and PACS directly within our software
  • Automatically receive finalized reports and outcomes directly right back into your software.
  • View Images and Clinical Documentation Simultaneously
  • X-Rays can also be viewed with a link directly within our software
  • Interface with EKG and Spirometry
  • No limitations on users, workstations, modalities, or facilities
  • Both cloud-based and on-premises options are available

EMR Lab Orders and Tracking

A digital patient folder stores images from X-ray, CT, MRI, and ultrasound devices, as well as diverse documents (e.g., doctors’ letters, medical findings, history, faxes). We also provide archive and remote Cloud backup solutions that ensure quick and secure access to all data. Further, the software can be easily integrated into all common information management systems (e.g., KIS, RIS, and EPA).

EMR Lab Orders and Tracking

PACS is a means of managing digital images created by various surgical methods in the medical field. It is a solution that helps manage digital images created by a variety of methods. With a PACS system, medical images can be manipulated and attached to the patient’s electronic medical record (EMR), so they can be viewed by anyone directly responsible for caring for the patient. The use of PACS improves the accuracy of diagnosing and treating a patient’s symptoms. Enjoy the following uses and benefits:

  • Image display
    You can retrieve the images via the workstation at any time. The hard copy of the image is no longer necessary to have on hand at all times.
  • Image routing
    The attending physician and other parties responsible for caring for the patient can access the image and share it. It eliminates the need to duplicate the image again.
  • Image acquisition
    No matter what type of imaging a patient undergoes and whatever procedure is performed, a permanent image is created.
  • Image archiving
    Archived files are attached to the patient’s electronic medical record for future reference and are kept for future use.
  • Image compression and backup
    Images are optimized for both size and space on the server. The original files can be backed up if they become lost or corrupted.