Patient Check In Kiosks

Easy-to-use, EMR-integrated check-in kiosks reduce paperwork, save time.

Patient Check In Kiosks C6 19A

EMR and Practice Management software facilitate efficient electronic documentation, scheduling and even billing, yet at many medical practices, processes such as patient check-in and registration remain paper-based. For healthcare professionals who seek complete automation, however, there is IMS’ patient check-in/check-out module. Our patient check-in kiosk offers patients the self-service capabilities they are accustomed to, while allowing healthcare providers to save time and money by eliminating front-office tasks, reducing paper transactions, and streamlining workflows.

What is our patient check-in/check-out module capable of?

At check-in, patients can perform tasks such as validating demographics and insurance information, providing electronic signatures on Insurance Authorization and HIPAA agreement forms, and viewing alerts for outstanding balances.

At check-out, patients can view follow-up notes and physician reminders, schedule return appointments, request a school or work excuse, view their visit notes, and more.

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Patient Check In Kiosks 1

Healthcare Providers Benefit From:

  • Streamlined patient registration process
  • Efficient allocation of space and staff
  • Increased co-pay collections through billing module integration
  • Reduced fraud and increased safety with digital photos
  • Patient tracking – from check-in to check-out
  • Ability to view and monitor multiple kiosks from one central location

Patients Benefit From:

  • Reduced waiting time to check-in
  • Ability to update demographic information from Patient Summary screen
  • Multi-language support
  • On-screen payment options
Patient Check In Kiosks 1

IMS Images:

Patient Check In Kiosks 1
Patient Check In Kiosks 1
Patient Check In Kiosks 1
Patient Check In Kiosks 1
Patient Check In Kiosks 1
Patient Check In Kiosks 1
Patient Check In Kiosks 1
Patient Check In Kiosks 1

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